Sunday, September 16, 2007


scene from X-Files "Closure"

Spirits are different than ghosts and they know they are dead. They are just come here to said hi. Trying to get your attention or drop a clue for you. Even watching over you.

Spirits will not harm you or anyone at all. Sometimes they will bring message or will help you for something. They do talk to you sometimes clear sometimes in high pitch sound (chirp in Sylvia Browne's book)

They either come in clear form or in "shadow" depend on how we see them. Most of time we can't see. We could feel them around. Again that is all depend on each of us.

Again when someone you know or love died and gone to heaven, she or he may come back seeing you in her or his age (age when died) or in other age (in 30's in the Other Side (heaven) that you may not recognize her or him) even appearance (as other male or female).

You do not need to be afraid of them either.

If you are curious, try to read one of Sylvia Browne's books. There is one book, "Life on the Other Side" talked about what "heaven" looks like. I do recall some of it. Interesting.

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