Thursday, September 13, 2007


scene from X-Files show "Closure"

I don't know how many people have seen ghosts. Around their homes or in store or anywhere.
The sad thing is that ghost didn't know that he or she is dead. It thought it is still living but trapped, earthbound.... and hanging around instead of go into the light (God/Heaven)

You can help them, of course, they don't understand but are confused and all. Just do your best, love them, tell them that this life is over. Tell them to go into the light. Sometimes it work, sometimes not.

Don't be scared of them. They are just don't understand why you are there at their home or something.

Try to pray for them, talk to them... and also pray for God, spirits, angels to take them home (Heaven).

I have a personal experience. It was strange. I was in college in New York. My bedroom closet is small but when I opened the door, I notieced my stuffs are gone but there's missing back wall. I can see the living room. So strange, I closed the door. I opened again.. the back wall is back but still empty... I closed... told myself, what the heck is going on?

I opened again and notice thundering storm going on there. A weather inside the closet? I closed it. Finally I opened for the last time, my closet is back to normal expect the black girl standing there, staring at me.

She yelled at me for I don't know how long. When she stopped yelling, I simply said, "It is not your fault. It is not my fault. (I can't remember what else I said to her) If you want to talk to someone, I am here."

She smiled.

Never seen again since.

There is one site about Ghost Hunting:

The team TAPS is helping some people about ghosts in their homes or places.
Sometimes they did catch on the tape, sometimes not. It's interesting show.

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