Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Speaking of the Other Side

As I did my best talking about ghosts and spirits.

If you have seen a movie called "What Dreams May Come" starred Robin Williams. It is good example.. of course not 100 percent accurate but parts are similar to real Other Side (heaven)

I talked about when spirit comes and see you in her or his form who you may or may not recognized. In that movie, Dr. Chris Neilson didn't know that his son was this black guy and his daughter as Asian woman. They choose their visages.

After he dies, his wife, Annie killed herself and went to hell. Which is true. Of course there is no hell but as "hell" lot of people who trapped in the dark room with no ticket to heaven. Earth is Hell. Why do you think we are here for? To fight against evil, of course that is why here is hell. Not where there is fire and brimstone like in movie you saw. It didn't exist but in your mind if you believe it... but there is no hell inside Earth. Sorry, no, Earth is one. Look around, war, hate, killing, discriminating, etc...

From what I learned, the dark room or "left" door is where they go instead of the Other Side. And they will be sent back to Earth to start over until they finished their contact with God. Once you finished your goal/contact then you can go to the Heaven not the "left" door/the dark room. Sometimes some of you accidentally enter in that room. You can't help them but love them, hope one day they will come home. Like they said, that is all in God's plan for every one.

Other part that you can create something like a house in the Other Side... similar to Chris with his painted home.

So... I enjoyed this movie. I think it gave us an idea what it would be like there. Whoever wrote that story. Good job. I hope someday, someone will make a movie more like what the Other Side would be. That way we can understand why we are here on Earth in first place.

I believe I am here for 44th time. I'll explain it later.

Monday, September 17, 2007

X-Files show: "Closure"

Scene from X-Files show "Closure"

I have seen this show. It is very interesting, however... is it a fact? I don't know. Is Walk-In for real? I don't know.

It was about Walk-In who took children from harm... real bad, horrible... saved them. The children has turned into spirits-- starlights.

Anyway, the reason I choice some pictures from that show. Long time ago, I had a strange dream that there was a tornado. We has a special place for kids to be safe from tornado. I was kid that time, we ran into that small place and hide there... lie down with head down with my arms covering the back of my head.

For a moment... I looked up... found myself in dark but found lot of us kids glowing blue. They were playing games.. jumping ropes... checker board... other stuffs...

That is so strange but interesting.

Until I saw that X-Files show "Closure", in near ending of the show. I saw kids having fun, glowing blue. That gave me creeps.

Is that fact or just a coincidence?

Sunday, September 16, 2007


scene from X-Files "Closure"

Spirits are different than ghosts and they know they are dead. They are just come here to said hi. Trying to get your attention or drop a clue for you. Even watching over you.

Spirits will not harm you or anyone at all. Sometimes they will bring message or will help you for something. They do talk to you sometimes clear sometimes in high pitch sound (chirp in Sylvia Browne's book)

They either come in clear form or in "shadow" depend on how we see them. Most of time we can't see. We could feel them around. Again that is all depend on each of us.

Again when someone you know or love died and gone to heaven, she or he may come back seeing you in her or his age (age when died) or in other age (in 30's in the Other Side (heaven) that you may not recognize her or him) even appearance (as other male or female).

You do not need to be afraid of them either.

If you are curious, try to read one of Sylvia Browne's books. There is one book, "Life on the Other Side" talked about what "heaven" looks like. I do recall some of it. Interesting.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


scene from X-Files show "Closure"

I don't know how many people have seen ghosts. Around their homes or in store or anywhere.
The sad thing is that ghost didn't know that he or she is dead. It thought it is still living but trapped, earthbound.... and hanging around instead of go into the light (God/Heaven)

You can help them, of course, they don't understand but are confused and all. Just do your best, love them, tell them that this life is over. Tell them to go into the light. Sometimes it work, sometimes not.

Don't be scared of them. They are just don't understand why you are there at their home or something.

Try to pray for them, talk to them... and also pray for God, spirits, angels to take them home (Heaven).

I have a personal experience. It was strange. I was in college in New York. My bedroom closet is small but when I opened the door, I notieced my stuffs are gone but there's missing back wall. I can see the living room. So strange, I closed the door. I opened again.. the back wall is back but still empty... I closed... told myself, what the heck is going on?

I opened again and notice thundering storm going on there. A weather inside the closet? I closed it. Finally I opened for the last time, my closet is back to normal expect the black girl standing there, staring at me.

She yelled at me for I don't know how long. When she stopped yelling, I simply said, "It is not your fault. It is not my fault. (I can't remember what else I said to her) If you want to talk to someone, I am here."

She smiled.

Never seen again since.

There is one site about Ghost Hunting:

The team TAPS is helping some people about ghosts in their homes or places.
Sometimes they did catch on the tape, sometimes not. It's interesting show.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I do believe that chupacabra does exist. There are many stories about it.
The origin of it is a good question. The key is that there are UFO sightings.
So it is very likely that the chupacabra is not earthling.

One statement about it in one book said chupacabra went AWOL when the experiment went wrong.
Or it got loose. Either way, people saw it around. Aliens, of course, are supposed to be responsible to take it back. Often time they did, but why did they pick this planet is unknown. I guess they want to see how it is doing here on planet Earth.

There are many stories and information on internet.
Here's couple

You also need to be aware of some other stories on internet are fake with fake pictures. You need to be wise to know the difference.