Sunday, January 22, 2012

My email to in 2000

I found my copy of email. I'm glad that I still have it. Yes. It was email to which was no longer there.

Subj: RE: Billy Meier; Can you answer those questions?
Date: 3/30/00 5:31:26 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: (Marc Juliano)

Hello Star,

We are an American support group for Billy Meier. We usually try to answer questions for him unless there are specific questions that only he can answer. He spends a lot of his tie writing which is something we would prefer he does, so I will try to answer you as best I can.

>I know of Pleiades... you spoke of "I saw your house/building that withstand "earthquake" I don't know if you actually see them out there. I got questions for you to answer. Forgive me for asking this. Otherwise your story will be considerate fake in some ways.
>1) How many "solar system(s) are in Pleiades?

The Pleiadians/Plejaras do not come from the "Pleiades", but from the "Plejares" which are another 80 light years beyond the Pleiades.

>2) How many "sun(s)" in the sky (in each system)? What color are they?

This is unknown.

>3) What law(s) do they held?

They live only according to Creational laws which are valid throughout the entire universe. These laws can be found by studying nature itself.

>4) What else do they are capable of other than space travel?

Many things! What would you like to know specifically?

>5 )What type of "governing" do they have- presidency? Monarch? Chief? Etc.

They do not have "governors" or "presidents" (no political system). They live under the guidance and direction of spiritual leaders who have developed themselves spiritually to the point where their wisdom is very high. Of course, people are free to choose how they live their life.

>6) Do they have interstellar war/battle?

The Pleiadians/Plejarans have not had war for almost 50,000 years. But before this, there were many power struggles and planetary wars rages for many centuries in which entire planets and suns were completely destroyed.

>7) Describe their home planet- landscape?

Billy says it is very close to the landscape in Switzerland.

> City?

Unknown. They do not have large cities like we do on Earth. The homes are spaced far from each other and many are shaped like spheres or semi-spheres (half-dome shapes).

> Port?


> Air? (color)

Like Earth. Except there is about 12% more oxygen content than our air and there are no smokestacks or chimneys to pollute the air, so it is very clean.

> Plant life?

They have similar plants as we do. But they also genetically product different plants and trees that reach as high as skyscrapers. The fruit from such trees (e.g. an apple) would be as big as a watermelon or larger.

> Animal life?

Of course. many varieties, but we don't know of any specific ones.

> Their transport system on planet?

They use beamships, hovercrafts and also can beam themselves to different parts of the planet. There are no ground vehicles to disturb the landscape. Only footpaths for walking are available.

> Is planet a planet or ?

I don't understand your question.

> Thank you, code name: Star

Yep, I used code name Star back then. I did asked "Is planet a planet or ?" because it is tricky question for me. I know the answer and I wanted to see "his" answer and of course, those answers are somehow sucks. If Billy Meier were there, he would have answered those questions easy but not! He have no idea of what planet is really look like. Like  Switzerland? Like Earth? No ground transport??? Come on! He didn't give enough information to followers. That's sucks.

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